It is simple but instructive. To my eye, it is more elegant than the django code. for a couple of reasons:
- No JavaScript. I love JavaScript and have written plenty of it, but for simple and moderately complex things rails gets the abstraction correct. Rails' ajax helpers (form_remote_tag and page in this case), do all the work for you.
- Easy reuse of partials. Michael had to jump through a few hoops to reuse his 'searchresults' partial (partial in rails == tag in djago). This is because django is not aware of the ajax library and thus cannot provide facilities to automate the reuse.
# 1) create a rails application by running "rails ajaxform" at a command prompt
# 2) create the files listed below
# 3) start the server by running "script/server" (mac,*nix) or "ruby script/server" (windows)
# 4) point your webrowser at http://localhost:3000
# ----- app/views/foos/search.html.erb -----
<% form_remote_tag(:url=>{:action=>'search'}) do %>
<%= text_field_tag('search_str') %>
<%= submit_tag 'Search' %>
<% end %>
<%= render :partial=>'search_results'%>
# ----- app/views/foos/_search_results.html.erb -----
<div id='search_results'>
<%= @search_results.size > 0 ? @search_results.collect do |result| "<p>#{result}</p>" end.join : "No Search Results" %>
# ----- app/views/foos/search.js.rjs--------
page[:search_results].visual_effect(:pulsate) # just for fun!`
# ----- app/controllers/foos_controller.rb -----
class FoosController < ApplicationController
def search
if search_str=params[:search_str]
@search_results = (1..rand(10)).collect do |ii| "#{search_str} + #{ii}" end
respond_to do |format|
# ----- app/views/layouts/application.html.erb -----
<%=javascript_include_tag :defaults%>
<%= yield %>